1.14 – Interfaith Dialogue

What is interfaith dialogue?

Co-operative, constructive and positive engagement between people of different faiths and people of no faith such as Humanists and Atheists to:

  • promote mutual understanding
  • respect
  • tolerance
  • harmony
  • identify common ground
  • engage ins shared actions for the common good of society

Why do we need interfaith dialogue?

  • Living in a multi-faith society brings many benefits.
  • Different religious cultures and traditions bring with them a variety of food, clothes, music and literature into out lives.
  • We develop new ways of living and enjoying life.
  • By living and working alongside different religious backgrounds we can gain greater tolerance, respect and understanding towards those who have different viewpoints to us

The Catholic Church and interfaith dialogue


D – DUTY – Catholics believe they have a duty to put across the Gospel message

I – IMAGO DEI – All people are created in the image of God. All people of all fatihs.

R – RESPECT – All religions should be respected

T – TRUTH – Catholics believe non-Christian religions have some truth but only Christianity has the whole truth

P – POPES/PEACE– The popes have spoken out about the importance of respect and tolerance between different faiths. For example Pope Benedict said “Together with all people of good well we aspire to peace”

O – Not an OPTION – Pope Benedict “That is why I insist once again: inter religious and intercultural research and dialogue are not an option but a vital need for our time (February 2007)

V – VATICAN II – The Vatican II Council stressed the importance of dialogue with Jews and Muslims


Describe what is meant by interfaith dialogue?

Explain why interfaith dialogue is important for Catholics?

“Catholics believe what they believe is more important than what others believe.” How would a Catholic respond to this statement?