Scientific theories of evolution

Charles Darwin proposed this.

  • Animals or organisms gradually change and develop into new species by a process known as ‘natural selection’
  • Develop skills to survive. Certain characteristics help animals to survive. As they breed and pass these traits on over generations, it leads to a new species developing.
  • Altered DNA. DNA research shows that there are many similarities between species and supports the idea of slight changes to survive.
  • Physical traits are visible between species
  • Transformation takes place through the generations. Each offspring slowly mutates.
  • According to Science life came about as a result of a process known as evolution
  • Takes millions or billions of years – supported by fossil record, which reveals that a large number of species have died out
  • It never stops
  • Organisms multiple
  • New environment triggers occur

TASK – ADAPTATION – What does each letter stand for?

Richard Dawkins

  • A modern supporter of evolution
  • Dawkins is an atheist and believes evolution does away with the need for God and the belief that humans have souls.
  • Dawkins argues that each living organism’s body is just a survival machine for its genes and does not serve any other purpose
  • Humans are just a genetic mutation and are just advanced animals.


  • Some Christians do not accept the theory of evolution; they see it is an attack of their faith, especially if they read the Bible literally.
  • Catholics do not interpret the Bible literally. Genesis needs to be understood symbolically
  • Pope John Paul II – there is no conflict between evolution and the teaching of the Christian faith.
  • What is important to Catholics is not if God chose to create through a process of evolution over millions of years but that in Genesis, God created with purpose and so everything that exists is part of his loving plan.
  • Not how it happened but why

Red Zone

Describe the process of evolution

Describe Catholic attitudes towards evolution

Explain how Richard Dawkin’s views challenge Catholic beliefs

Evolution supports Catholic beliefs about creation – discuss this statement including at least 2 different arguments