The video below is a very good summary with some incredible information in. However it is made for a different exam board and therefore the question examples are incorrect. For example questions see the red zone at the bottom of the page.

  • legalised in Britain in 1967
  • Those against abortion think it is morally unacceptable to kill unborn babies
  • Others argue if a baby is going to be born with a severe illness or disability it would be kinder to permit an abortion.

A key question in the debate is ‘when does a person become a person?’

  • some argue from the moment of conception therefore terminating a pregnancy is the same as murder.
  • others argue a person only ‘begins’ when they are first aware of their own existence or when independent life is possible. Therefore terminating a pregnancy is not the same as murder

There are broadly two camps – pro life and pro choice.



TASK – memorise the below:

G – God  It is God who gives life at this moment and it is the start of a human beings relationship with GodA – Against – The Catholic Church is against abortion in all circumstances

C – Conception -The Catholic Church teaches that life begins at conception

A – Against – The Catholic Church is against abortion in all circumstances

M – Murder – Abortion is therefore seen as murder, a great moral evil, which is against one of the Ten Commandments ‘Do not murder’

E – Effect / Double Effect – If a mother’s life is in danger during the pregnancy (for example ectopic pregnancy) then action to save the life of the mother even if it threatens or destroys the life of the unborn child is acceptable. The intention is to save the mother, the effect on the child is not directly intended but is a side effect. This is known as the Principle of Double Effect.

R – Right to Life – The foetus has a right to life and termination is a great moral evil.

A – Adoption – Instead of having an abortion the Church would encourage those in this situation to give a child up for adoption

S – Sacred – Catholics believe human life is sacred



  • No single view
  • Fundamentalists believe it is never acceptable
  • Most Christians agree that it is not a good thing
  • Sometimes it is seen as the ‘lesser of two evils:
    • If the pregnancy is the results of rape, an abortion might be the best option for the quality of life of the mother
    • If continuing with the pregnancy might be dangerous to the soman’s physical or mental health, then abortion should be allowed.
    • If the child is likely to be severely disabled and so effect its quality of life



Explain the Catholic approach to abortion

Explain why some Christians think abortion is ‘the lesser of two evils’

Explain the difference between pro choice and pro life

‘A Christian would always think abortion is wrong’ – Discuss this statement including different perspectives