Genesis is the first book of Old Testament. Within it there are two accounts of creation.

Most Catholics think of these stories as symbolic. They believe they reveal some important things about the nature of God and humanity but are not literal representations of what happened.

Creationism describes people who believe literally that God created the world one day at a time.

GENESIS 1 – The Days of Creation

TASK – can you come up with actions for each day?
TASK – memorise the days of creation in the correct order. Get someone to test you!

So what does this tell us?

Genesis 1 and The Days of Creation emphasise the greatness of God as the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE


TRANSCENDENCE – He is above and beyond everything he created. He is unlike anything else that exists. He is separate to his creation.


ETERNAL – God creates heaven and earth ‘in the beginning”, but as he already existed it shows he was there before the beginning of this world. He is eternal.

OMNIPOTENT – God i all powerful, creation happens just by him commanding it (Gen 1:3). Before he starts creating nothing exists. He creates the world form nothing – CREATION EX NIHILO

Task – memorise this KEY QUOTE:

Genesis 1:3 (NKJV) - Then God said, “Let there be light”; and ...

This quote shows God is transcendent, Eternal and Omnipotent.