There is a long tradition of sacred art using themes and images from Christian belief. This goes back to a time when people couldn’t read. Learning about Jesus or the Bible was made easier by looking at pictures. The artist would use their artwork to express their views. To add to this the person looking at it could study it and reflect upon it over time – thinking about their belief and getting closer to God.


  • People couldn’t read – pictures were easier
  • Prayer and meditation could be a focus and it could make people feel closer to God as they stop their day to day worries and focus on the glory of God.
  • Personal responses to art can help people think and reflect on their own beliefs.
  • People can be challenged by art and may make a person rethink or reinforce their beliefs
  • FAITH – Catholic art is used to express faith in God and to glorify him.
The Creation of Adam - Wikipedia
Painting by Michaelangelo on the roof of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. It is an artistic portrayal of creation

Watch the video below that describes some of the key aspects of the painting. It explains why Michaelangelo painted it this way and what he was trying to show in his painting.

TASK – what do you think are the key features of the painting. Make a list before you watch the second video.

Here is another video that describes the painting.

TASK – Try adding to your list as you watch this second video.

This video is also very informative. Click the link to watch it.



The black writing describes what is being shown in the actual painting

The orange writing explains the link with Christian beliefs


Ceiling fresco for the story of creation in the Sistine Chapel ...
  • Adam is lying back on the earth from which he has been formed. Remember in Genesis it says “then the lord God formed a man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being” Gen 2:7
  • Humans were created by God
  • Adam is the perfect human being. He is young, handsome and strong
  • God created a perfect world
  • Adam resembles God, like a son looks like his father
  • Adam mirrors the pose of God
  • Humans are made in the image of and likeness of God (imago dei)


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is the-creation-of-adam-by-michelangelo-analysis-and-overview1_116181.jpg
  • God is presented as a dynamic, active figure as if he is hard at work at his greatest creation. God reaches out to the more passive figure of Adam
  • The viewer is reminded of the belief that God is both eternal and all powerful. He is the creator. He is omnipotent. He is benevolent and reaches out to human kind.
  • God is shown as older than Adam, yet he is strong and powerful.
  • This signifies the parent-child relationship that exists between God and humanity, God is the Father of all creation. He is omnipotent

The Hands

Michelangelo's Creation of Adam – ItalianRenaissance.org
  • Adam and God are seen reaching out to touch each other with their fingertips
  • The touch of fingertips represents the spark of life given to all humans by God; human life is sacred and a gift from God.
  • REMEMBER God’s inspiration and “the breath of life”
  • REMEMBER – God is benevolent and trying harder to reach out to Adam than Adam is trying tor each out to him.

The Cloud

Does the Michelangelo painting in the Westworld finale really show ...
  • God is on a cloud carried by angels. This is contrast to Adam on earth
  • This shows the greatness and transcendence of God. God transcends the world he has created. He is outside of it and seperate to it. He existed before it.
  • Some believe the cloud is in the shape of a brain showing God is the source of all knowledge and wisdom
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo - The hidden meaning -
  • God is omniscient and all knowing
  • Others believe that the cloud represents a womb because of the red background. Also, the green cloth hanging down could be the umbilical chord.
  • This is symbolic of God as the creator. He gives all life. In the same way that a womb gives life to a new child.


Michaelangelo’s painting reflects many of the Catholic beliefs about creations:

  • God made each human being in his own image IMAGO DEI
  • Humans are God’s greatest creation
  • Life is a gift from God
  • God is a loving father who cares about his creation


List the 4 key parts of Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam.

Describe the meaning behind each key part you have identified using keywords.

Explain how the Creation of Adam expresses the idea of Imago Dei

Explain how the Creation of Adam expresses the idea that God is transcendent

‘The Creation of Adam is a good alternative to reading the Genesis stories of creation’ Describe how a Christian may respond to this statement

‘Looking at Art can be the same thing as prayer.’ How might a Christian use the Creation of Adam to support this statement?