The Shema is said on several different occasions and many Jews will say the Shema during their prayers in the morning and the evening. It states clearly “The Lord is one”

Maimonides – 12th Century Philosopher

“No language exists to be able to describe the uniqueness of God”

God can only be described as God. There is no other way to describe it as God is so unique only the work God describes him. God is one thing. God.

Judah Halevi – 12th Century Spanish Rabbi

“if I understand Him I would be Him”

Humans cannot understand God and shouldn’t really try. If you were to understand God you would be God. As only God can fully understand God. Only one thing understands God – God. God is the one that understands God.

Rabbi Akiba

“God’s uniqueness is shown by him knowing the character of every single creature and their minds”

Only God can know the character of every single person and living thing. There is only ONE being that can know the character of every single creature. God. God is the ONE.

Inside Synagogues

The belief that there is only one God is shown in the design of many synagogues. Although they may be decorative with colourful glass windows, synagogues do not have any statues or representations of human beings. The ONE thing that is worshipped is God. Only God. God is the ONE.

Red Zone

Explain the Jewish belief of ‘God as one’

Memorise and write out the quotations above.

What prayers and philosophers can your quote to support the Jewish belief of “God as one”? What did they say?