The Torah begins by showing how God created the world

“In the beginning God created the heavens and earth”

Genesis 1:1

God created the world, day and night, the earth and animals. On the sixth day he created humans and gave them a special role to caretake all He has created.

God said “Let us make man with our image and likeness. Let him dominate the fish of the sea… and every animal that walks the earth.

God thus created man with His image.

Genesis 1:26-27

The 7 Days of creation

Some Jews believe every detail of creation as told in the Torah. God created the world literally in six days. Others believe that this is a story about God creating the world but it is not meant to be taken literally. For these people the most important thing is that God is responsible for the creation of everything in existence

Genesis 1

Genesis 1 Days of Creation Bible quiet book page 1

 Jewish beliefs about creation

For many Jews the world is too wonderful and complex to have happened by chance. So it must have been designed and created.

Celebrating God as creator is an important part of Judaism.

Prayers said in Orthodox services illustrate how God created the world.

“Blessed be He who spoke, and the world existed”

Each week Jews celebrate the festival of Shabbat. This is a day not only o rest but also of celebration of creation. Just as God rested on the seventh day of creation, so observant Jews do not work on Shabbat.


Write out each quote from memory until you are able to do it unprompted

Describe the Genesis creation story one day at a time

Explain what Jews believe about the creation story and how some Jews differ in their beliefs.

Explain the connection of Shabbat and God as Creator

“God gave man a special role in creation.” How might Jews respond to this statement?